Liz Gehring
Liz thrives in her work with people with disabilities. She has 20 years of experience producing outcomes for people and organisations in the Northern Territory, Victoria and NSW.
On the Management Committee and Coordinator for the first Down Under Institute in Australia, Liz has trained in Person Centred Practice in Australia, New Zealand and Canada and is a member of the International Learning Community for Person Centred Practice.
Across the country, Liz assists large and small organisations so they understand, develop and implement person centred practice within their organisation. As a Manager and Educator of multi-discipline teams, she works with people to understand ways their organisation can support people to live their lives the way they choose, with dignity, respect and valued status in their community.
Liz and Tim formed a partnership 7 years ago and together they continue to develop and facilitate an in-depth person centred program to assist organisations on their person centred pathway. Since forming the partnership Tim and Liz have been working as Coordinators of Support with NDIS participants in Northern NSW and are now fully registered as an NDIS Provider, offering both Coordination of Support (COS) and Specialist COS in Northern NSW and South East Queensland.
Tim Childs
Tim has worked for more than 20 years in roles such as Support Worker, Academic Researcher, CEO and Board Director within the Community Services sector.
He’s traditionally supported Boards and Management through training, mentoring and supervision/coaching and has always included person centred practice in his values based approach.
Now, Tim has joined Liz and developed a range of national and international resources that truly reflect what he believes to be person centred practice. Tim and Liz both sit on the Panel of Experts for the National Disability Service (NDS) NSW Good Governance Program and work closely with Carer, Aged and Disability Services through this program.
Tim has worked with organisations to assist them in moving to person centred practice, with its applicability not just in the Disability Sector, but also Aged Care, Asylum Seeker and Refugee Services, and Early Childhood. He believes that it’s the organisation’s responsibility to achieve outcomes for people who receive services and to do that they need to get person centred practice right.
Skilled in developing and facilitating tools for Boards and managers with regard to person centred good governance and management practices, Tim reflects his core belief in his work.